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By Master Locksmith S J Taylor
Taylors have a host of material that our students get for free but you can also buy our best selling eBooks written by Master Locksmith Steven J Taylor​.
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"Knowledge Is The Key To Success" - Steven J Taylor
How To Setup A Locksmith Business Part 1
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How To Setup A Locksmith Business Part 2
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"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education". - Martin Luther King, Jr.
The How To Guide For Picking Pin Cylinders
The How To Guide For Picking Pin Cylinders
Why not buy our ebook for just £4.99, instant access and download to keep on your phone or laptop and tablet.
Its an easy to read ebook that gives you detailed images for reference that looks at each part of lock picking, this detailed how to guide will have you opening locks in no time. It also has links to the tools, costs and even how to setup a lock lab or pick station and what you will need.
This fantastic lock picking ebook also has a FREE discount vouchers page that you can use to get money off our full courses.
Learn a new skill today, take a up a new hobby and try your hand at lock picking for fun, sport or for eventual business use.
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